For cough suppression:
Fill a pint jar with 1/2 oz. cherry bark and 1/2 oz. licorice root, fill with boiling water and allow to steep for an hour. Add honey to taste.
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For cough suppression:
Fill a pint jar with 1/2 oz. cherry bark and 1/2 oz. licorice root, fill with boiling water and allow to steep for an hour. Add honey to taste.
For cough with mucous—expectorant:
Combine 1 oz Coltsfoot leaves with 1/2 oz chopped licorice root to a pint jar. Cover with boiling water, cover and steep for one hour. You may add honey to taste.
This one's for cough with sore throat/inflammation:
Cover an ounce of chopped marshmallow roots with a pint of cold water overnight. Add 2 Tbsp honey to each one cup. Sip throughout the day.
For cough with some drainage (wet cough or slightly productive cough):
Bring four cups of water to a boil. Add a handful of almonds, one tangerine's peel and two pears cut up with the skin left on. Boil down to two cups and add two to three Tablespoons of honey. Drink once or twice a day.
This one's for a cough that is dry, with sore throat and thirst:
Mix equal parts of fresh ginger, radish and pear juices. Add honey to taste. Take two to three times a day.
For all types of cough: Honey-Onion
Chop 5-6 white onions and place in double boiler. Add 1/2 cup honey and juice of one lemon. Cook at lowest heat possible for several hours, strain mixture and take by tablespoon every 1/2 hour as needed.
Dynamic Functional Healing, P.C. 2124 Dupont Ave. S. Suite G4 Minneapolis MN 55405 T: 612.735.9993 Copyright © 2025, Dynamic Functional Healing. All rights reserved.