Slippery elm

Slippery elm is one of my favorite herbs. It is an anti-inflammatory and heals mucosal membranes. I encourage everyone to add it to thier diets. I was delighted to find these prescriptions for slippery elm poultice in Ethro Kloss' Back to Eden:

For pleurisy:

A slippery elm poultice is very effective. Use three heaping tablespoons of granulated slippery elm, one tablespoon lobelia, one-half teaspoon cayenne pepper. If both lungs are affected a larger quantity will have to be used to make the poultice large enough to cover both lungs. Put poultices on the chest and on the back over the lungs.

In reference to inflammation of the prostate:

A slippery elm poultice is extremely beneficial; apply between the legs in the fork of the thighs.

Other uses:

Slippery elm poultice. This poultice has no superior in the line of poultices, either used alone or combined as follows:

Lobelia and slippery elm poultice. Take one-third part lobelia, two-thirds part slippery elm. Very excellent for blood poisoning, also for boils and abscesses. Use for rheumatism.